Monday, September 23, 2013

Direct Mail: Leaves a ‘deeper footprint’ in the brain

Recent findings by Millward Brown, a leading global research agency, revealed “physical media – AKA direct mail – left a ‘deeper footprint’ in the brain.” In other words media that consumers can touch and feel resonated and touched more emotions than those of the digital variety.
And those consumers that are affected by “physical media” are not just the older demo, as many marketers believe.
“Direct mail surprisingly transcends the age demographic, with younger consumers (the 18- to 34-year-old demographic) preferring to learn about marketing offers via postal
mail rather than online sources, according to national survey research from ICOM,” said Lisa Formica, president of FMI, a direct mail marketing and advertising firm.

What about ROI? According to a recent survey conducted by TargetMarketing magazine, the channel that delivered the strongest ROI for customer acquisition for B2C marketers was direct mail. Direct mail also scored the highest among B2C marketers for customer contact and retention.

You can read the entire article here: 

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